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Reference doc for the `` component.

The ApiGatewayWebSocket component lets you add an Amazon API Gateway WebSocket API to your app.

Create the API

const api = new"MyApi");

Add a custom domain

new"MyApi", {
domain: ""

Add routes

api.route("$connect", "src/connect.handler");
api.route("$disconnect", "src/disconnect.handler");
api.route("$default", "src/default.handler");
api.route("sendMessage", "src/sendMessage.handler");


new ApiGatewayWebSocket(name, args?, opts?)




Type Input<Object>

Default {retention: “forever”}

Configure the API Gateway logs in CloudWatch. By default, access logs are enabled and kept forever.

accessLog: {
retention: "1 week"


Type Input<1 day | 3 days | 5 days | 1 week | 2 weeks | 1 month | 2 months | 3 months | 4 months | 5 months | 6 months | 1 year | 13 months | 18 months | 2 years | 3 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years | forever>

Default forever

The duration the API Gateway logs are kept in CloudWatch.


Type Input<string | Object>

Set a custom domain for your WebSocket API.

Automatically manages domains hosted on AWS Route 53, Cloudflare, and Vercel. For other providers, you’ll need to pass in a cert that validates domain ownership and add the DNS records.

By default this assumes the domain is hosted on Route 53.

domain: ""

For domains hosted on Cloudflare.

domain: {
name: "",
dns: sst.cloudflare.dns()


Type Input<string>

The ARN of an ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) certificate that proves ownership of the domain. By default, a certificate is created and validated automatically.

To manually set up a domain on an unsupported provider, you’ll need to:

  1. Validate that you own the domain by creating an ACM certificate. You can either validate it by setting a DNS record or by verifying an email sent to the domain owner.
  2. Once validated, set the certificate ARN as the cert and set dns to false.
  3. Add the DNS records in your provider to point to the API Gateway URL.
domain: {
name: "",
dns: false,
cert: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:112233445566:certificate/3a958790-8878-4cdc-a396-06d95064cf63"


Type Input<false | | sst.cloudflare.dns | sst.vercel.dns>


The DNS provider to use for the domain. Defaults to the AWS.

Takes an adapter that can create the DNS records on the provider. This can automate validating the domain and setting up the DNS routing.

Supports Route 53, Cloudflare, and Vercel adapters. For other providers, you’ll need to set dns to false and pass in a certificate validating ownership via cert.

Specify the hosted zone ID for the Route 53 domain.

domain: {
name: "",

Use a domain hosted on Cloudflare, needs the Cloudflare provider.

domain: {
name: "",
dns: sst.cloudflare.dns()

Use a domain hosted on Vercel, needs the Vercel provider.

domain: {
name: "",
dns: sst.vercel.dns()

Type Input<string>

The custom domain you want to use.

domain: {
name: ""

Can also include subdomains based on the current stage.

domain: {
name: `${$app.stage}`


Type Input<string>

The base mapping for the custom domain. This adds a suffix to the URL of the API.

Given the following base path and domain name.

domain: {
name: "",
path: "v1"

The full URL of the API will be

Be default there is no base path, so if the name is, the full URL will be


Type Object

Transform how this component creates its underlying resources.


Type LogGroupArgs | (args: LogGroupArgs => void)

Transform the CloudWatch LogGroup resource used for access logs.


Type ApiArgs | (args: ApiArgs => void)

Transform the API Gateway WebSocket API resource.


Type DomainNameArgs | (args: DomainNameArgs => void)

Transform the API Gateway WebSocket API domain name resource.


Type Object

Transform the routes. This can be used to customize the handler function and the arguments for each route.

transform: {
route: {
handler: {
link: [bucket, stripeKey]
args: {
auth: { iam: true }

Type ApiGatewayWebSocketRouteArgs | (args: ApiGatewayWebSocketRouteArgs => void)

Transform the arguments for the route.


Type FunctionArgs | (args: FunctionArgs => void)

Transform the handler function for the route.


Type StageArgs | (args: StageArgs => void)

Transform the API Gateway WebSocket API stage resource.



Type Output<string>

The management endpoint for the API used by the API Gateway Management API client. This is useful for sending messages to connected clients.


Type Object

The underlying resources this component creates.


Type Api

The Amazon API Gateway HTTP API


Type LogGroup

The CloudWatch LogGroup for the access logs.


Type Output<string>

The URL of the API.

If the domain is set, this is the URL with the custom domain. Otherwise, it’s the autogenerated API Gateway URL.


The following are accessible through the SDK at runtime.

  • managementEndpoint string

    The management endpoint for the API used by the API Gateway Management API client. This is useful for sending messages to connected clients.
  • url string

    The URL of the API.

If the domain is set, this is the URL with the custom domain. Otherwise, it’s the autogenerated API Gateway URL.



route(route, handler, args?)


Returns ApiGatewayWebSocketRoute

Add a route to the API Gateway WebSocket API.

There are three predefined routes:

  • $connect: when the client connects to the API
  • $disconnect: when the client or the server disconnects from the API
  • $default: the default or catch-all route

In addition, you can create custom routes. When a request comes in, the API Gateway will look the specific route defined by the user. If no route matches, the $default route will be invoked.

Here’s how you add a simple route.

api.route("sendMessage", "src/sendMessage.handler");

Add a default route.

api.route("$default", "src/default.handler");

Enable auth for a route.

api.route("sendMessage", "src/sendMessage.handler", {
auth: {
iam: true

Customize the route handler.

api.route("sendMessage", {
handler: "src/sendMessage.handler",
memory: "2048 MB"



Type Input<Object>

Enable auth for your WebSocket API.

auth: {
iam: true


Type Input<true>

Enable IAM authorization for a given API route. When IAM auth is enabled, clients need to use Signature Version 4 to sign their requests with their AWS credentials.


Type Object

Transform how this component creates its underlying resources.


Type IntegrationArgs | (args: IntegrationArgs => void)

Transform the API Gateway WebSocket API integration resource.


Type RouteArgs | (args: RouteArgs => void)

Transform the API Gateway WebSocket API route resource.